Into the Home Stretch- Autumn is Nearing

South Fork at Sunrise
Cutty's are looking up!
Shane and John enjoying a trophy cutty!

I just finished one of my longer work loads of the season... about 15 days in a row (I prefer a day off every 4-5 days as to stay on top of work and family duties) and as I get over the hump of the season I begin to reflect on the rewards of this "job" of mine. The daily grind, as with any job can be daunting but the overall benefits of being a fly fishing guide are wonderful and I am often reminded by many clients, new and old of these obvious benefits. One of my favorite rewards these days is all the folks I get to meet and build relationships with and over time watch them grow as anglers; sharing the sport at this level is very gratifying. So, as the season moves into the final third I sometimes think of winter and how I will miss the ole' summer grind. 
Conditions are prime for the up coming One Fly event, however pressure has been significant and the larger trout are no push overs so choose your fly wisely and make clean presentations. Snake River has good numbers of stoneflies around and also seeing drakes and mahoganeys on the cloudier days. Staying warm for now so hoppers are on! Thanks to all for an awesome August... special thanks to John and Shane Campbell for letting me show them some new water and taking in all the area has to offer. -SS


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