Jackson Hole Mid-Winter Snowpack
Well, I am finally getting a winter post in and the word for the season so far is- Blahh! Wait a minute, that is not entirely true, there has been some terrific skiing over the last month or so and winter business has been quite good. One of the best things I learned about Jackson Hole many years ago is that no matter the snowpack, unless there is literally nothing, the mountain holds its charm in terrain! If its a dry season get a race tune from Pepi's and get out on some narrow carvers and have some fun, thats what we were all doing in December. Our better snow kicked in around January 15 and dumped an incredible 80" in two weeks.
Since then it dried out a bit but as of lately cold snow showers are covering our parched pack, we look to be in the flow again and hope the conditions continue to ripen.

Custom Boot fit in Progress
Our snowpack sits at 85% of normal at the moment which is good considering how dry it has been in the entire west and more importantly how coming off another major water season like last year can hurt local outfitters to the brink. If the spring precipitation is average we are expecting to have about 81% water content this year, a little low but not too bad. If it turns super wet in April & May we could be right back into high water scenarios... the bottom line is, its too early to tell!
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