Early Spring on the Snake River
Combine one of the lightest snowfalls on record with an early spring and you get the ingredients for some great early season angling in the Jackson Hole area. Skiers are doubtful the season will make much of a turn around at this point and are grabbing their bikes and fly rods as the season shifts rather quickly. Valley snow is quickly receding into the higher benches which is opening up river access and has even got some drift boats running through town in search of the early season bite.

Many are reporting good action which is not surprising due to the warm temps that is pushing water temps into the magical 42 degrees mark in the afternoon... midges and BWO's and soon skwalla stones will bring nice trout to the shallows to feed. Big streamers can lock into larger famished trout in the deep holes and slow troughs. Take care of all our trout, they may have a very long season ahead!
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