Late Spring Fever
Got Trout?
The ospreys of Jackson Hole are now hunting private ponds and spring creeks as the Snake River finally blewout with turbidity this past week. Ice is off all Teton area lakes with Lewis and Shoshone likely to ice off this week. Great time to head out and pursue mackinaw in the shallows... this is the one fish of the region I will not hesitate to take a few home for some "char tacos", maybe a recipe will soon follow!

The gem of the Snake- Finespotted Cutthroat Trout
Reports from the field are overall good with the Firehole River in its prime for the next 3-4 weeks, especially if the cool weather persists, just about everything is on the menu there. On our journeys to Yellowstone we often get great roadside shots of grizzly & black bears, a wonderful drive no matter what you see. Lastly, the South Fork of the Snake is fishing rather well with nymphs and streamers... the flows are great and the water clarity amazing for June- bring on the big bugs!

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